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Forum Lokalne - Twoje miejsce w internecie → KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE → want to block out office chatter- white noise headphones/active cancel


Temat: want to block out office chatter- white noise headphones/active cancel


I want to block out the sound of talking, random background noise, etc... What are my options? I would like something in-ear, but from what I see the best are those "ear cans" that cover your entire ear, but I would prefer something a bit more discrete. Does white noise cancel out talking or do you need active noise cancellation for that?

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Thank you.

Posty: 1

Forum Lokalne - Twoje miejsce w internecie → KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE → want to block out office chatter- white noise headphones/active cancel